
Describing permanent features of physical locations

This property represents the simplest kind of accessibility information, and in many cases may form the most important (or only) accessibility information an organisation has immediately available to it. amenityFeature simply asserts the presence of some piece of physical infrastructure (e.g., disabled parking, wheelchair access) present at a location and able to assist people with accessibility needs.

The correct usage of amenityFeature is described in the relevant section of the Opportunity specification. Note that it applies only to places, rather than to events.

For further information on the relationship between Active Places accessibility data and OpenActive amenityFeatures, see Mapping From Active Places.

Implementation Example

Note that the @type of amenityFeatures is LocationFeatureSpecification. The nature of the feature is given in the name.

"amenityFeature": [
    { "@type": "LocationFeatureSpecification",
      "name": "Accessible Toilets",
      "value": true },
    { "@type": "LocationFeatureSpecification",
      "name": "Step-Free Access",
      "value": true }

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