
Capturing complex accessibility provision

In cases where accessibility provision is good, data-collection practices are strong, or both, it will generally be helpful to model accessibility information with more detail. In such cases, the accessibilitySupport datatype should be used.

An accessibilitySupport object may have any combination of the following attributes:

  • description, a free-text description of the support offered

  • isAdvanceNoticeRequired, indicating whether individuals requesting such support are required to alert staff in advance to their attendance

  • hoursAvailable, capturing the hours in which such support is available

  • name, a short label indicating the nature of the support

  • participantConditionSupported, a list of the medical condition or condition(s) for which an activity is suitable

  • url, providing a hyperlink to more information

Note that any number of accessibilitySupport objects may be associated with a given place or event.

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